Benefits of Refractive Surgery
Refractive surgery has a tremendous impact on people’s lives. Benefits are apparent in many ways. Some refractive problems cannot be corrected with conventional glasses or contact lenses. In other cases, corrective lenses can be worn but with extreme difficulty. For these people, refractive surgery provides a way to clear vision without battling with visual aids.

There are a number of jobs such as flying, firefighting, and police department work that
require workers to obtain a high standard of visual acuity without visual aids.
Refractive surgery is certainly a solution that would allow such people freedom to
pursue the career of their choice without otherwise being restricted by their vision. It
is important to understand that individual professional organizations have their own
policies on refractive surgery. Anyone who is considering corrective surgery should
consult with their potential employer(s) before making a decision. This ensures that
surgical correction and intervention is acceptable.
With little or no dependence on glasses or contact lenses, most sports activities are
greatly enhanced. No longer does one have to battle with glasses under ski goggles,
losing a contact lens while swimming, or spectacles slipping down during a tennis match.
Many even find their central and peripheral vision improves, and participation in sports
previously found not to be feasible becomes possible.
Many people feel that glasses distract from their physical appearance. Refractive surgery is certainly a solution to this problem. However, this surgery is generally not encouraged for purely cosmetic reasons.
Many people feel handicapped by the restrictions their visual aids set. Some fear the incapacity they would experience if they ever lost their lenses, especially during an emergency. Others feel a low self-esteem because reliance on visual aids makes them feel clumsy, unattractive, or left out of some activities. By reducing or eliminating dependence on visual aids for clear vision, many psychological fears may subside.