Pre-Surgery Assessment
If you are wearing contact lenses currently, the lenses need to be leave off the eyes a minimum of 1 [one] week prior to the initial examination. The examination will determine the suitability for surgery; ie. are you suffering from severe dry eyes, other eye diseases, eye infection, high myopia, high astigmatism. The examination takes about 2 hours to complete. Depending on the condition your eyes after examination, the earliest date for surgery can be arranged for the next day. For oversea candidate, you may arrange a trip for examination to determine suitability for surgery and reschedule surgery within 3 months, in order not to repeat examination.

Post-Surgery Review
You will be reviewed by your surgeon on the next day after surgery. Subsequent review will be one week later and on month later. For oversea candidate, you are suggested to stay in Singapore for minimum 3 to 4 days; 1st day for pre-surgery assessment, 2nd day for surgery, 3rd day for post-surgery review, 4th day for review if any infection.
Appointment and Cost of Surgery
If you are interested in refractive surgery and think you might be a good candidate,
please arrange a consultation with Steve Seah Eye Center for a full evaluation and
Cost of refractive surgery; for both eyes, will be charged from S$4,400.00 onwards, and
subjected to applicable GST.